EdCompliance Consulting


Start a School, College or University

    Building a postsecondary school from scratch requires business acumen, curricular mastery, market insight and regulatory expertise.

    Whether your graduates will be well-trained yoga instructors or physicians, we can answer the questions you didn’t know to ask, develop a solid business plan and submit a winning application for state approval.

Expand Into New States

    Whether opening a new physical campus or recruiting in new territories, expanding your school into a new state is a big undertaking.

    EdCompliance can help eliminate the guesswork, liaise with regulators and reduce the time to state approval.

Seek Accreditation

    After two years of successful operation you may decide it’s time to seek accreditation. We can help

State Compliance Gap Analysis

    Gain a full understanding of your school’s current level of compliance with state regulations through one or more of the following analyses:

    • General Compliance Analysis
    • State Jurisdiction Analysis
    • State-Specific Compliance Analysis

Mock Site Visits

    Prepare your school for a site visit from your state regulator. Our mock visit will mimic an actual state inspection so your team can learn what to expect, where to improve, and how to host an orderly and successful visit.

    At the end of the visit we’ll conduct an exit meeting, send an audit report outlining deficiencies, and create an action plan to remediate areas of noncompliance.

State Compliance Training

    Receive expert training on compliance requirements for your state regulator or regulators of interest.

    Learn what regulators require of your school, how to incorporate regulatory compliance into your day-to-day operations, and how to think like a regulator so your team can anticipate compliance issues before they develop.

Development of Critical School Documents

    Your school’s catalog, enrollment agreement & student policies documents are vital to its success with students and regulators alike.

    Receive expert evaluation and guidance to ensure your most important student-facing documents comply with state regulations and clearly communicate policies and expectations to students.

Preparation or Review of State License Applications

    Eliminate the guesswork involved in completing state licensing applications. We provide services to ensure your school’s application is completed accurately and according to state specifications.

    We can prepare your application from start to finish or conduct a thorough pre-submission review of the application you’ve already completed. With either level of service we will handle all state follow-up so your application stands the best chance of state approval in the shortest possible amount of time.

Policies and Procedures Analysis

    Your school’s policies and procedures manual is the backbone of its operations. Thorough, well documented and strictly followed policies and procedures provide clarity to students, assurance to regulators and accreditors, and critical support when responding to student complaints and regulatory investigations.

    We can review your institutional policies & procedures to uncover gaps, analyze compliance with state rules and strengthen the operation of your most crucial departments.